Term 2 commences on Tuesday 22nd April
Mending & Alteration Service
Day & Time: Wednesdays 1-3pm
Pop in for a quote. No appointment necessary.
Community Bus Trips for the over 50's
Day: Thursdays
Dates: To be advised - contact the office
Depart: 11.15am Return between 3-4pm
Some trips may incur costs for lunch or activities
To go on the list please contact the office.
Destinations to be advised.
House Membership required: $5.50 annually
Card Games: 500
Thursdays 1.30-3.30pm
First game: 24th April
Cost: House Membership
Community Lunch
Tuesdays 12.30pm
Dates: 20th May (to support Cancer Council) and 17th June
Cost: $3 House Members $5 Non members
Bookings are essential for catering purposes
Italian for Beginners
Mondays 2-4pm
Cost: $136 (8 weeks)
Tutor: Michael
Contact Michael direct on 0422445685 for bookings and more info.
Spanish for Beginners
Wednesdays 10-12noon
Cost: $138 (10 weeks)
Tutor: Michael
Contact Michael direct on 0422445685 for bookings and more info.
Over 50's Cryptic Crossword Group
Time: 11-12noon
This group meets for a chat every week each week and to do cryptic Crosswords.
Cost: House Membership $5.50 annually
Bridge the Gap Community Choir
Thursdays 7.00 - 9.00pm
* All levels welcome
* Relaxed, friendly atmosphere
* Dont need to be able to read music
* Opportunities to perform in local festivals.
Cost: $5-$10
Group sings at 'The Factory' 19-21 Belgium Ave Richmond
For more information contact Finbar
Sewing/Craft Activities Social Group
Day & Time: Fridays 10-12noon
This is a social group who work on their own projects in a group environment. Laura is on hand to answer questions or provide assistance to those who need it. Sewing machines available for use or you may bring your own.
Note: This is not a teaching class.
Cost: House Membership
Walking Group:
This group is ongoing and does operate all year round including school holidays and in rain, hail and sunshine!
Tuesdays (Flat Walk) and Thursdays (Some hills) 9.00 - 11.am
There is a coffee stop along the way on both walks.
'Do it yourself - Bead Jewellery' with Jo
Time: 1-3pm
Cost: $10 Concession $7.50
Learn how to create your own jewellery from very basic styles to advanced. If you already have some beads and equipment please bring them to the class.
Note: No classes on 20th May and 17th June
Card Games - 500
Day & Time: Thursdays 1.30-3.30pm
Cost: House Membership
Knowledge of how to play would be appreciated.
Knitting Group
Day & Time: Mondays 1-3pm
Beginners welcome - come along learn to knit, have a chat and a cuppa
Cost: House Membership